Thursday 9 October 2014

Nasrul - My English Language Ability So Far...

After few years learn English language, if given a choice to choose for ability English ability between the level of intermediate level, competence level and excellence level, I would choose my English ability is at competence level. Why I choose at competence level? It because I can read an essay well, and speaking. But I’m not to weak in making essay and weak in grammer. I’m need to improve my English language to the next level, especially students. At university, all degree students have to mastering in English language to get a job. Not mastering the English language will make it harder to get any job at the future. Now, I must trying hard like read more essay from books, internet or blog, do more essay and speaking with friends  to improve my ability English language to go to the next level.

Nasrul - Photos (AIDIL ADHA)

‘Eid Adha this year I feel lonely because my parents were not at home. My parents made the Hajj this year at Mecca. This year I celebrate Eid with  my sister, my brother, my younger sister and my cousins. Before and after prayers at the mosque, I felt choked because I miss my parents very much. I just can contact with my parents in WhatsApp. In WhatsApp, we can chat, sharing picture and sharing information. After prayers, we go home and visit cousins and relatives house. We went in the morning and back home in the evening. My parents will be home soon. I am not looking forward to the return of my parents and I would go pick up my parents at the airport. I really miss my parents very much.

Nasrul - Tips


If we play game in the laptop and the game does not run smoothly or weight to play, you need to know why the game is played does not move smoothly and weight to play. Between the tips you need to know;

1)      Check your laptop specifications. If your laptop does not meet specifications, it will make your laptop very heavy to do any works. Example, processor does not match the game played right or do any work, or not enough RAM.

2)      Ensure that the laptop was not in hot conditions. Therefore, the adoption of the cooler fan to cool the laptop, and do not leave your laptop in sunlight.

3)      Do not use a laptop far too long. It can damage to motherboard, and motherboard overheating.

4)      If the laptop battery is full, disconnect it because the battery will more faster excessive damage if do not disconnect the charge. It can also cause the battery to explode.

Nasrul - Current Events


Approximately 50,000 new students to Institution of Higher Education (IPT) both public (IPTA) and private (IPTS) next yaer could not get loans from Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN). It’s because there are still many who fail to pay their old loan. PTPTN had to take drastic measures if the funding round was not enough to cover the increase total enrolment of students in the next year. However PTPTN does not necessarily reduce the amount of the loan could instead choose to reduce the amount of loans granted to each student. PTPTN had blacklist name of the borrowers who fails to pay the loans until specified period.

Nasrul - My Blogging Experience

This is my first my I have my own blog and essay in own blog. I got an assignment  from my lovely  lecturer  to do an essay and post in blog. Now, I have my own blog. Do an essay have many benefits. Firstly, I can check or practice my  grammer for my essay and sentence. Second, I can share any information with everybody who’s  open and read my blog easily. In addition,in blog we can edit and make own design and beautiful background with own style. It can attract the readers to read at our blog. In my opinion, It very interesting. Some people create a blog as their diary. Their story anything  happened in their  life and anything their do.  Before this, I think create a blog is like waste the time. But now  I realize that blog is helpful because it can share information easily, practice grammer and sentence.