Thursday 9 October 2014

Nasrul - My Blogging Experience

This is my first my I have my own blog and essay in own blog. I got an assignment  from my lovely  lecturer  to do an essay and post in blog. Now, I have my own blog. Do an essay have many benefits. Firstly, I can check or practice my  grammer for my essay and sentence. Second, I can share any information with everybody who’s  open and read my blog easily. In addition,in blog we can edit and make own design and beautiful background with own style. It can attract the readers to read at our blog. In my opinion, It very interesting. Some people create a blog as their diary. Their story anything  happened in their  life and anything their do.  Before this, I think create a blog is like waste the time. But now  I realize that blog is helpful because it can share information easily, practice grammer and sentence.

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